For more than 20 years, The Lighthouse Foundation in Corinth, Mississippi has carried local kids to Kids Across America Camp in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. The week is life-changing for many of the kids who go. They spend seven full days experiencing Christ and the Gospel in an environment that is specifically geared for them. When campers choose to commit their lives to Christ, they ring the camp bell in celebration of their decision. It is a powerful moment to see a young man or a young woman walk forward, ring the bell, then be engulfed in a sea of acceptance and encouragement. To date, The Lighthouse has carried more than 2,500 kids to KAA Kamp and has been blessed to hear the bell ring hundreds of times. This year, we are trying to raise the money necessary to take our next 100 kids to camp. Will you sponsor a camper this year and help keep the bell ringing?